An announcement


via Etsy

I have been putting off writing this post for  a good couple of days. It is hard for me to say this, but I have decided to finish with A Cast of Two. It seems so soon, but let me explain.

I have realised that the way I have approached my blogging isn’t the right way for me to do things. Ironically, if I think back to my very first post, it may not have been the wisest idea to just start. But I am still very glad I did start, as it has helped me see things clearer, prioritise and learn valuable skills. And have fun feasting my eyes on so much gorgeous imagery!

My jewellery making biz is my main focus right now, and I am loving it so, so much. As someone who did a broadcasting degree and a post grad event management diploma I am thriving by challenging myself creatively and producing lovely things. I have registered the name, have the abn and am working (very) hard on the other facets of starting up a small business. In a couple of months (tops!) I will be out at markets and selling online with a product I am proud of.

I have realised that I need to integrate my blogging and my jewellery business together into one entity, and my new blog will be broader in focus. I love, love, love weddings, the beauty and romance they contain, and my new blog will certainly feature wedding related material. However it will also feature a lot of the other things I am really passionate about.

It will celebrate the ethos of beautifully crafted items, which will bring you a lifetime of happiness through owning them. It will feature gorgeous, unique fashion which catches my eye, and profile some of the incredibly clever, inspiring resources which I stumble across on an almost daily basis. It will give me freedom to share beautiful things with you, designed and created with love and care. I believe that possessions do matter to people, and that it is totally ok that they matter. Your most loved things have meaning, they are tied to you, hold memories and make you happy just to look at them. I am lucky to have people in my life who give incredible gifts. One of my favourite items is a handpainted Kokeshi doll given to me by my sister and one of my great friends Rachel, and it seriously makes me feel full of warmth when I look at it or hold it. It tells a story, and those are the kind of stories I hope to share in my new blog.

Of course, this will also be the platform used to profile my experiences with my own jewellery range, and will be where I can share my creations, and the making process.

I am happy to have made this decision, as I have been burning the candle at both ends way too much recently, and I need some time to refocus. I will be going away and learning more blogging technicals and looking into a blog format with much more flexibility than this current template, and I will teach myself some photoshop and in design skills. Eventually, I will have a cohesive brand with a logo and associated branding which will go across my jewellery and my blogging. In time!

Thank you so very much to all who have read A Cast of Two and to those who have made a special effort to contact me and support me. It has been really, really fun and this is only the start of my blogging life. I am hooked! Although I am feeling a real twinge at saying goodbye to my new project so soon in the piece, I know that this is the right move for me, and am truly bubbling with ideas and excitement for my future blogging project. I can’t wait to tell you all about it in a few weeks.

Leah xx

Romancing Monday

I am a bit slow most Monday mornings, but give me a few hours and I have normally come alive, buzzing with ideas and excitement for the things I want to do and achieve in the week ahead.

There is always something to look forward to, yes? That’s the idea of Romancing Monday, a song of love which reminds us to treat Monday right, to be gentle, ease yourself into the day and celebrate all the beauty in the world around us.

Take it away Joss!

Romancing Monday

Pretty smoochy clip for today’s Romancing Monday track!

Spring is in the air in Melbourne – so excited for sunny days ahead, lounging around park styles with cider and cheese.

Hope your weekend had plenty of whatever you love best… Mine was snoozy mornings, coffee with friends, a stop in at a teensy craft market, cocktails at Ferdydurke, jewellery creating and enjoying great chats with the best people! There was even an appearance by a very handsome French bulldog.

See you again very soon!

Wedding day colour

I love the idea of a dash of colour on a wedding day, and think it adds personality and fun to the event. There are lots of different ways you can incorporate colour of course, and I have included some of my favourites below.

Colourful parasols

There is something very sweet about parasols, and they are a a great way for avoiding the burn on a sunny day as well.

How happy! Photo from Katie Day Photography.

If your wedding isn’t during the Summer months, and you want to add a bit of colour to your decor, you can hang them from the roof too. You can pick them up quite cheaply online, and they definitely deliver impact.


One of the most common ways to add some colour to your outfit, and always a cool look, is to have a pair of sexy, colourful shoes which make an appearance to those lucky enough to notice. Of course, if you have a short dress you can show them off for the world to see!

Green, fuchsia and teal shoes


I love unusual head wear in general, and it can also be a really nice alternative to a veil, should you want a less traditional look. Who can forget SJP’s plumage from the Sex and the City movie? Lets ignore the beating Big over the head with the bouquet bit though and focus on the Vivienne Westwood. Ha. The picture of the blue peacock headband is me at my friend Kate’s wedding, and it belongs to my sister. I love it, and have worn it as a bridesmaid twice!

If you want to go all out you could always die your hair a bright shade – but that takes some serious bravery!

Photo credits clockwise 1 & 2 


When my sister got married she had a gorgeous laced trimmed sage green sash on her 50s style wedding dress, and I love the duck egg blue on the dress below too. Side note – how cool are the pockets! That simple dress is doing it for me. A colourful sash pops against a white fabric, and adds a lot of visual intrigue to a wedding outfit.

Photo credit

For the guys

A bow-tie

Bow-ties can be a bit fun, especially if you don’t want to take things/yourself too seriously. More muted tones can looks so classy, and a bright pop of vivid colour is pretty striking.

If you want to embrace cutesie, you can always match your bow-tie or tie to the colours you are incorporating into your own outfit.

Pink, green


Oh yip I love this! So cheeky. Always a big fan of the nerdiness of Argyle print, and again you can match the colours to the lady outfit if you like the cheese factor.

Clockwise 1, 2, 3

Would you be brave enough to go the whole hog and have a colourful dress? You could go all out with a bright, block colour or have a peek sneaking through here and there. I love it!

This emerald green dress is a little reminiscent of ‘that Atonement dress’ which Keira Knightley wore…One of the most famous dresses of the decade so far I think!

Photo credits: Orange dress by Christine Pobke, via A Cup of Jo, Cream and red by Wai-Ching, Emerald Green dress photo by Susan Dean, via A Cup of Jo

The possibilities for injecting colour into your wedding are endless if you use your imagination! Balloons, ribbons around trees, a brightly iced cake, centre pieces, wedding vehicles and so on and so on. Colour is a lovely way to express your personality and leave a lasting memory imprinted on the minds of the people on the day. Also, your photos will be incredible!

Of course, don’t forget a colourful bouquet – beautiful!

Photo Credit